what does “kill the filibuster” mean and why is that something Democrats want right now?


what does “kill the filibuster” mean and why is that something Democrats want right now?

In: Other

4 Answers

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The filibuster is complicated, but it effectively means any senator can require a 2/3 vote for anything in the Senate to move forward. This means anything that is in any way partisan will be filibustered by a senator of the opposing party.

In order to push through Obama judicial nominees, the Democrats changed the rules so no senator can filibuster a judicial nominee, with the exception of the Supreme Court. The Republicans later extended the rule to include the Supreme Court. So now it takes a simple majority to confirm any nomination.

The Democrats want the filibuster back right now so they can block a Supreme Court nominee.

Basically each side loves the filibuster, but only when it helps them. Each side hates it when the other side is using it against them.

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