what does my ISP know about me ??


and is there any way that i could minimize its “knowledge”?

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

there are 3 kinds of knowledge they have

[1] Billing info. If it is for a home hardwired connection (rather than mobile or satellite) they also know the service location.

[2] Basic traffic patterns of your data. All your data passes through their servers, so even if everything was encrypted (not really possible) they still see the volume of traffic.

[3] Protocol info you share with them. Do you use their DNS? They can see every DNS lookup. Is anything HTTP? This may total “plaintext”. Do you use a VPN? This may not be as effective as you with it was. Do you have IOT devices? These are notoriously bad for privacy. Do you have streaming devices (Roku, Fire Stick, Apple TV, smart TV) These also give up loads of data.

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