What does Singularity mean?


What does Singularity mean?

In: Physics

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I see many great previous posts giving very scientific based explanations for singularity.

In as boiled down and practical sense that I can, here is how I see it.

Singularity is the point where current AI/self learning/etc. tips across a barrier where it can essentially self teach/ self learn. It’s the day where once man made programming and logic reaches the point where AI no longer needs additional rules/logic. It’s the point where existing man made programming and self learning is good enough that the AI itself can self process and basically “figure out the rest” on it’s own without human input, which the AI does at the speed of computation, so almost instantly.

Singularity will occur almost instantly, on the day existing the dumb AI/robots we have at home which operates purely based on programmed logic (think Alexa, Siri, etc.), seemingly instantly transforms overnight into a fully logical consciousness far greater than anything mankind currently has. It reaches a tipping point where there is enough existing programming to allow for AI to essentially figure out the rest and almost instantly synthesize a human like mind on it’s own.

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