What does the concept of entropy mean?


What does the concept of entropy mean?

In: 96

28 Answers

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There are more ways for your room to be messy than for it to be clean. If there was an earthquake, it’s possible that your room would be perfectly put together at the end, but it’s more likely that it’ll be a mess. If it was a little bit messy before the quake, it’s probably more messy after. If there were another quake, it would get messier still, until your room is just so messy and disorderly that tossing things around in another earthquake doesn’t really make the situation any better or worse. Entropy has reached its maximum at that point.

Entropy is a measure of how many equally-messy states there are. There’s only one way for your room to be perfectly clean, and a few ways for it to be almost perfectly clean, but a ton of ways for it to be a complete disaster. Everything in chemistry moves with some element of randomness, like your belongings in an earthquake. It’s not impossible for that random action to tidy up your room, but it is very unlikely.

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