What does the concept of entropy mean?


What does the concept of entropy mean?

In: 96

28 Answers

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It basically describes the observed tendecy of physical systems to disappate energy over time through various random effects, and thus imperically disproving a type of perpetual motion machine.

To give an easier to understand analogy think of a card pyramid that is low entropy system because the mechanical stress each card expiriences (analog for energy) is different, now let’s say that due to vibrations or drafts (analog for various effects) that pyramid crumbles, now that is a high entropy system because more or less each card now expiriences the same level of mechanical stress.

The reason entropy is sometimes refer to as randomness is a same energy system is a lot harder to predict because each element in that system can move and jitter on it’s own; to go back to the analogy; there aren’t many ways to build a card pyramid, but the crumble pattern is always unique.

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