What exactly about the tiktok app makes it Chinese spyware? Has it been proven it can do something?


What exactly about the tiktok app makes it Chinese spyware? Has it been proven it can do something?

In: 4544

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m a bit baffled by people wondering if an app designed to collect a lot of your personal information, including videos of where you live, eat, and work, is spying on the people who use it.

Social media apps are spyware. By definition. Their whole product is them getting information from you.

So the whole TikTok thing feels like “Look! There’s a crime being committed over there by TikTok! Discuss it on US based social media apps, and don’t think too hard how US social media apps are doing the same thing!!!”

Misdirection towards spyware so that companies making identical spyware don’t get called out as makers of spyware.

EDIT: I love how the biggest complaint to what I wrote was a distinction I didn’t make or provide any reason to bring it up. It’s all spyware. The information is stolen and coerced from people. **Perpetrators of information theft don’t have to be governments to make the act of information theft wrong.** Especially since anyone can buy the information stolen by the private corporation, *including the US government.*

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