What exactly about the tiktok app makes it Chinese spyware? Has it been proven it can do something?


What exactly about the tiktok app makes it Chinese spyware? Has it been proven it can do something?

In: 4544

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

American tech companies set the status quo of excessive data collection. Facebook app was caught viewing user camera without notification or consent. Collection as much info about contacts and device as techically possible has been standard practice for these apps for a decade.

Now the China has built a social media platform that is in nearly every regard superior to American competition, journalists and researchers in American tech’s sphere of influence are criticizing Tiktok for practices which are standard in every other social media app.

The primary reason people are discussing Tiktok’s privacy issues is because it threatens American dominance of social media industry. The specific proven claims against Tiktok are typical of other industry players. If you want to be private you shouldn’t install ANY social media apps on your phone: they are all ‘malware’ to some extent.

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