What exactly are fractals and why do they even have a pattern


The only thing I got about fractals is that if you keep zooming you will see the same pattern repeated, but I don’t get it. First of all, you have to zoom on the border, so you technically can’t zoom anywhere and you get the same pattern, second why is the Mandelbrot so weird? Why all those weird shapes? Couldn’t it just be something normal? Also, why you can dezoom from a Mandelbrot fractal and those weird things happen. It’s just too complicated for my little brain

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5 Answers

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Book recommendations if you wanna understand fractals:

*The Ghost from the Grand Banks* by Arthur C.Clark

-it’s a sci-fi novel about an attempt to raise the wreck of the Titanic and turn it into a museum/amusement park, but one of the characters is really into (edit: obsessed with) fractals and it’s an interesting character development plot / study of fractals.

Weird, I know. But if you enjoy reading and you enjoy sci-fi, Arthur C. Clark is one of the best 20th century Sci Fi authors and is very passionate about science and math in his work.

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