What exactly are prion diseases and how do people get them?


What exactly are prion diseases and how do people get them?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Prions are weird. In short, they’re a kind of protein that can warp other proteins into prions. This makes them Extremely dangerous as they’ll slowly assimilate every protein in the body starting with the brain. They’re also unusually durable and can’t be treated with the same medicines you’d use to fight bacteria or virii.

While it depends on the prion, the most well known vector is eating. Mad Cow disease was introduced to humanity when someone ate a steak from an infected cow.

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What exactly are prion diseases and how do people get them?

In: 1

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Prions are weird. In short, they’re a kind of protein that can warp other proteins into prions. This makes them Extremely dangerous as they’ll slowly assimilate every protein in the body starting with the brain. They’re also unusually durable and can’t be treated with the same medicines you’d use to fight bacteria or virii.

While it depends on the prion, the most well known vector is eating. Mad Cow disease was introduced to humanity when someone ate a steak from an infected cow.

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