What exactly causes anxiety and why some people have it in specific moments?


What exactly causes anxiety and why some people have it in specific moments?

In: Biology

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It’s super complicated and no one fully understands the human brain just as a disclaimer: That being said anxiety is definitely partially (and probably heavily) related to the fight or flight adrenaline response. Evolution got us used to being constantly aware, restless etc. at all times to deal with predators trying to hunt/kill us and steal our food, enslave us and so forth. Being anxious keeps you on edge and ready for potential danger. To add to that we get a surge of adrenaline every time we think we’re in danger, useful for fighting to the death or running for your life. In modern times however, we primarily deal with super complicated social situations which don’t necessarily pose a threat in the same sense, but our brain still perceives a major threat and falls prey to anxiety as a defense mechanism.