What exactly causes Motion Sickness?Is this-a united mischief of Physics and Biology,treatable?


What exactly causes Motion Sickness?Is this-a united mischief of Physics and Biology,treatable?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have an inner ear injury due to a bout of yellow fever (long story. South America). As a result my body thinks it is always in motion. Any movement of any part of my body creates feedback to my inner ear and brain which my balance receptors misinterpret. Our bodies are covered with proprioceptors. Aka balance receptors that send feedback to the ear and brain. They tell us which way is up down sideways etc. This includes the heart muscle. My heartbeat makes me feel like I am walking on a trampoline even when I am sitting still. I can wiggle my little finger and it feels like I am on a plane experiencing turbulence. Motion sickness is an activation of this same system.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The body have mainly two ways of keeping balance. There is a separate organ in your inner ear that works like a gyroscope and measures rotation. But you will also see the rotation of the world through your eyes. The eyes are more accurate but is not always available, hence the inner ear. A fairly common issue with all animals is accidentally eating poisonous food. Most poisons will affect the neural system messing with the signals too and from the brain as well as the signals in the brain itself. There is not much indication to the brain that this is happening but if the poison affects either your vision or your inner ear then it will be very easy to tell because those should register the same movement in a healthy body. And your body have a few reactions to being poisoned. One of the major ones is throwing up as most of the poisonous food might still be in the stomach and yet to be digested.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Motion sickness appears when your center of balance control (your inner ear) and your eyes receive conflicting informations. For example, if you read in a car, your eyes don’t see that you move, but your inner ear can actually feel the car moving with you inside. Same thing for boats.
As for why you will want to vomit, there is an hypothesis : your brain could actually believe that this conflict of information happens because you are poisoned and hallucinating. So it would make you vomit to get rid of the poison. But then again, it’s an hypothesis.
It can be treated, there are drugs that you can take before a travel to avoid motion sickness, but if it’s already too late, focusing on the road ahead will rebalance the informations.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Motion sickness is generally caused when the motion your body detects, like through the inner ear, and what it sees do not agree.

It’s a way to make you stop moving so it can essentially recalibrate.