What exactly did Tesla do so right?


To my knowledge, Tesla Motors were one of the first electric vehicle sellers for the ‘general’ public.

For context, the Model S debuted in 2012, and to this day, it still seems to be a very popular car.

How come other car manufactures cannot (or have taken many years) to come close to the performance and popularity of the Tesla models? Is it that hard to create 500km+ ranged electric vehicles? Tesla did it 10+ years ago, why has the rest not?

In: 2

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Tesla focused on the luxury car market. This is a relatively small market so there were not really room for two electric car manufacturers. It allowed them to spend money on expensive engines and batteries without making the cars overprized in the market. Other manufacturers focused on reasonably priced cars such as the Nissan Leaf or the Renault Zoe which therefore had less budget for batteries.

What have happened in the last 10 years is that the cost of batteries have gone down a lot so that more reasonably priced cars can afford the big batteries. Electric cars have also become more popular as people are more comfortable with it so the electric car demand have risen high enough for there to be more manufacturers.

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