What exactly do we mean by “information processing”? I know the brain isn’t a computer, but when we say, for example, that the brain process information, or that a computer process information, do we mean the same thing?


What exactly do we mean by “information processing”? I know the brain isn’t a computer, but when we say, for example, that the brain process information, or that a computer process information, do we mean the same thing?

In: Physics

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In computer terminology there is a difference between data and information, data is a collection of facts and information is processed data when you make something meaningful out of it.

In this case you would mean data ie raw facts coming in and processed by brain. The two terms are often used interchangeably but they are not same.

[Data and information](https://examples.yourdictionary.com/difference-between-data-and-information-explained.html)

Anonymous 0 Comments

The brain stores information in the area called the hippocampus. When we hear, our eardrums and the nerves connecting our brain to our ear turn the vibrations into electrical(not literally) impulses that carry on throughout the brain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It means taking in raw information and turning it into useful patterns. As an example, consider looking at a photograph. The raw information is the different spots of color on the photo. Your brain (via your eyes and optic nerve) takes in that raw information and works with it so you recognize it’s a photo of a dog. We can mimic this with a computer, too, but we haven’t been able to make computer programs yet that are nearly as good as the human brain at recognizing dogs.