What exactly happens to our brains when we immediately forget what we were meant to do or say?


It seems odd to relate this to phenomena to short term memory loss as it can affect anyone with a normal functioning memory.

I’m referring to moments where we forget why we entered a room, while only deciding to action a task a few seconds prior. Or forgetting what you wanted to say next in a discussion, while the subject is still fresh in your mind.

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The thing about walking into a room is so common that it’s been studied quite a bit – the “doorway effect.” But it’s not exactly the doorways themselves, it’s the change of what’s around you. Certain things like that signal your brain to sort of “dump” your working memory, and not everything gets stored because your brain favors what’s in front of you when things change like the room you’re in. Short term memory is really only about 30 seconds – certainly long enough to lose what you were about to say while you let someone finish or you have your hand raised.

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