What exactly happens when you deposit more than $10,000 at a bank?


What exactly happens when you deposit more than $10,000 at a bank?

In: Other

4 Answers

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Nothing happens per se. These rules are designed to prosecute people who knowingly or willingly structure their deposits to avoid filling out the form. It’s a really easy crime for prosecutors to bring and doesn’t require the funds to be from a nefarious source. The crime is the manner in which the funds were deposited.

Example: Ms. X deposits an average of $20k a day in four transactions. Unless she’s spreading it for legitimate purpose (business, savings, personal) it’s likely she’s structuring to avoid scrutiny.

From a legal stand point look at this way: 99 percent of people deposit their money in one shot. If you’re the 1 percent making erratic deposits and the value exceed 10k or more over a period of time it’s easy for a jury to infer sceniter or the specific intent required by the crime.


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