What exactly is a negative image and why does the negative of normal seem to be only blue and white?


What exactly is a negative image and why does the negative of normal seem to be only blue and white?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your eyes have three sets of rods and cones, one which detects red light, one which detects blue light, and one which detects green light. All colors we see are perceived as signals based on the amount it excites the chemicals in those rods and cones. However there is a maximum amount that each of those rods and cones can be excited, as well as a minimum. For ease of demonstration I will set the scale as 0 to 258 (because that’s what conputers use to simulate it). So if a color is signified by the excitation levels of 100-150-25 then it’s “negative” is 258 minus those values or 158-138-233.

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