what exactly is taste? Just like vibration or light, what does a thing have or lack to determine taste and how do we process it?


what exactly is taste? Just like vibration or light, what does a thing have or lack to determine taste and how do we process it?

In: 111

9 Answers

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It’s a biochemical reaction that leads to a neural feedback.
The taste buds in a particular section on your tongue react to the chemical in the food you eat (ex citric acid in a sour candy) and one activated, those taste buds provided a feedback to your brain. Instinctively, this causes your face muscles to contort as a reaction.

Different chemicals react differently to different parts of your tongue and hence, produce a different taste. Sucrose/glucose/fructose are all sugars and since biologically your body loves simple sugars, they taste pleasant and the neural pathways in your brain makes them something we crave. Sour and bitter (most acids and alcohols) are generally foods that are poisonous and are to be avoided in nature so our body’s reaction is to different.

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