what exactly is taste? Just like vibration or light, what does a thing have or lack to determine taste and how do we process it?


what exactly is taste? Just like vibration or light, what does a thing have or lack to determine taste and how do we process it?

In: 111

9 Answers

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Our bodies are made up of cells. Some cells communicate to other cells using chemicals and electricity. These are called neurons.

Your eye contains neurons that respond to being hit by light. Some of these eye neurons respond to brightness and others respond to color. This information is relayed from your eye neurons to your brain.

You have neurons that do something similar on your tongue. These neurons get excited when they come into contact with tastes that are either salty, sweet, sour, bitter, or savory. Like your eye neurons, your tongue neurons will then relay this information to your brain when they are triggered by these flavors.

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