What exactly makes a clock ‘tick’, as in make the sound?


Most (all?) clocks have some sort of pendulum built in, either a proper one, a balance wheel or an ‘electronic’ one (quartz crystal). However, regardless of those differences all the clocks/watches I own tick once a second.

What makes that sound? Also, is it a mechanical necessity (like in light switches, see e.g. [this video by Technology Connections](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrMiqEkSk48)) or could we do without and it is a design choice by now (people just expect clocks to tick)?

In: Engineering

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So mechanical watches are controlled by a coiled spring, there area series is gears and oscillating escape movements..the ticking sound is the teeth hitting the gears on the escape wheel

It’s hard to explain text, so this 1949 video would help you visualize it

In quartz watches they sometimes simulate it by activating the motor once a second, and sometimes you can hear the gear and motor activate.

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