What exactly makes cave diving so risky, even if you have experience or are with a guide?


What exactly makes cave diving so risky, even if you have experience or are with a guide?

In: Other

26 Answers

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It takes as long to get back out as it took to get in. So if there are any problems you are hours from surfacing instead of open water where you go directly “up” and that’s the surface within some seconds.

Deep diving is similarly dangerous as cave diving as far as “time to surface” goes since you can’t shoot directly to the surface as that would cause nitrogen bubbles in your blood (on top of whatever emergency you already have). Deeper (as in vertical depth from sea level) caves could have this same issue requiring a few minutes hanging out at various stepped depths. THen you have to choose if your issue is more critical than having the bends which is at least terribly painful if not deadly itself.

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