What exactly tells us we need to pee, and how is the duration of when we need to pee set?


Or rather what speeds up the point of needing to pee?

I know the body part that does it, but what chemical/reaction makes it happen and how so?

*Honestly, I don’t know if my words are making sense, I hope someone understands.*

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Unless you are a certain type of autistic or have another reason that the sense is inhibited, you have a thing called “Interoception” which is the ability for your body to tell your brain that you have to pee, you’re hungry, tired, etc. When your bladder starts filling up, signals are sent to your brain saying that there’s something in there. When you’re ready to pee, your brain send a signal back through your nervous system saying “alright let’er rip” and the muscles work together to expel your urine.

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