What factors caused India and China to have such large populations?


I know they are relatively large countries that have been inhabited for a very long time, but so is Europe if taken as a whole. Yet Europe only has about half as many people as just one of these two countries. What historical factors lead to their massive populations?

In: Culture

11 Answers

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In the 18th century, China’s population, which had been relatively stable at between 50-100 million for almost a thousand years suddenly started surging. The origins of the population surge can be traced to three factors:

1. Extended period of international peace that followed the Manchu conquest of China. (With the country at peace, there was a decline in domestic mortality rate)
2. The Manchu regime carried a major campaign to repair long neglected dikes and irrigation works along the Yellow and Yangtze rivers. (This lead to fewer fatalities from flood, drought, water borne diseases and malnutrition)
3. There was a significant rise in female fertility, resulting in a substantial and prolonged “baby boom.”

This population surge beginning in the early 18th century did not abate for more than two centuries thereafter.

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