: What goes in the making of a chess prodigy?


The current world champion, an 18year old Magnus Carlsen beat a former world champion Anatoly Karpov who was 57 at the time. I’m sure there must be a lot of instances like this, just pointing out one. I’ve seen kids aged 5-6 beat adults, far-more experienced players. How does this happen?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We do not know. Of course you need a lot of practice and education in order to become one of the best chess players. And giving people that oppertunity does help people becoming grand masters. We can see this in the number and skills of chess players of the former Soviet Union but also specific areas like for example St. Louis, Missouri. But there does seam to be some unknown factor required to become the worlds best chess player. So we do not know what it takes to become a 3800 rated player and not a 2800 rated player.

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