What happen to the rest of the body after a bariatric?


I mean, what happen with all the fat and bad stuff in our blood system? Is there any drastic and/or abrupt alteration in the body at all?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bariatic surgery is not liposuction. Right after the surgery, there appears to be no obvious change in the body at all. But, in the weeks and months that follow, you begin losing weight very quickly. When my mom had it in 2005, she dropped around 100 pounds in a month. This was weight lost from all over her body, not just her stomach area.

Unlike liposuction, the weight loss caused by bariatric surgery can remove the most dangerous type of fat, because it can remove visceral fat around the organs and reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Liposuction, on the other hand, is primarily aimed at improving one’s appearance and there is no evidence that it can alleviate the risk of Type 2 diabetes or any other obesity-related health problem.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bariatric surgery just reduces the size of your stomach. Nothing happens with the rest of your body. As the patient (hopefully) eats less after, they’ll start to burn the fat reserves slowly over time. Not sure what “bad stuff in blood” you refer to, but if you say continue eating poorly, you’ll still have issues like nutritional deficiency, cardiac disease risk factors etc.