What happens biologically in our brains that makes repetition stick ideas in our minds?


What is the difference between doing something once and doing something multiple times, chemically or biologically speaking, that helps with remembering, memorizng activities?

I could expand the same question to how muscle memory works.

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Any action you do is the result of an electric signal being sent from one neuron to another.

You can think of the path that signal travels from one neuron to another like a poorly insulated wire. Since the wire is poorly insulated, the signal loses most of its strength.

Each time the electrical signal is sent, it attracts another chemical to it that produces myelin which insulated the wire. That results in the signal losing less strength.

The more repetitions you make, the stronger the insulation becomes which results in a stronger signal. A stronger signal makes it easier to perform the action.

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