What happens if a hospice patient lives unexpectedly long?


Do they get evicted?

In: 2

7 Answers

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There is a common misconception that hospice is a place. Hospice refers to the type a care that is given. Ie palliative Care given at the end stage of life that focuses on comfort not cure and not intended to extend life. You can be in hospice at your home like my dad was. A hospice nurse came to our house every day and administered care and morphine for pain but my dad was awake and responsive. An aid cane to help him bath. If you are too weak or unconscious or immobile or in too much pain, then you could be moved to a facility with a more homelike setting with 24 skilled nursing on site. It is designed in part to enable family to spend time with their loved one in a comfortable setting. Many people of course prefer to die at home and it can work out that way.

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