What happens if a pregnant woman eats a food that her fetus is deathly allergic to?


What happens if a pregnant woman eats a food that her fetus is deathly allergic to?

In: 57

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ironically it’s likely to cancel that would-be future allergy through exposure. It’s important that the mother isn’t allergic though

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fetuses don’t get any contact with food. Mom’s body processes it and the fetus just gets the nutrients from it in the blood. So even if a fetus could be allergic, which since their immune system is not developed is not really possible, they don’t come into contact with anything that would trigger a reaction.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The fetus and mother have separate blood supplies, which never mix. Nutrients from momma are absorbed into the fetus via the placenta and umbilical cord.

So with totally separate systems, mom can eat anything that doesn’t pass through that system.

Be warned that alcohol and nicotine, and drugs of all sorts (otc, prescribed, illegal) are able to get to the fetus.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yeah, i was gonna say I am deathly allergic to peanuts, but my mom ate peanut butter while i was in the womb, with no issues. At least that we know of or can contribute to anyways. Lol

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s so strange that all these people think babies aren’t born allergic to anything. I was immediately diagnosed with a milk allergy with my very first feeding. So are we saying that I was somehow exposed to something within my literal first moments of life that caused me to have an anaphylactic reaction to the first feeding?? That’s very hard to find plausible. I carry an epipen to this day for the same reason.

ETA: Allergic to milk protein, which is not the same as Galactosemia.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fetuses don’t get any contact with food. Mom’s body processes it and the fetus just gets the nutrients from it in the blood. So even if a fetus could be allergic, which since their immune system is not developed is not really possible, they don’t come into contact with anything that would trigger a reaction.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The fetus and mother have separate blood supplies, which never mix. Nutrients from momma are absorbed into the fetus via the placenta and umbilical cord.

So with totally separate systems, mom can eat anything that doesn’t pass through that system.

Be warned that alcohol and nicotine, and drugs of all sorts (otc, prescribed, illegal) are able to get to the fetus.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s so strange that all these people think babies aren’t born allergic to anything. I was immediately diagnosed with a milk allergy with my very first feeding. So are we saying that I was somehow exposed to something within my literal first moments of life that caused me to have an anaphylactic reaction to the first feeding?? That’s very hard to find plausible. I carry an epipen to this day for the same reason.

ETA: Allergic to milk protein, which is not the same as Galactosemia.