What happens inside your body when you ingest poison?


What happens inside your body when you ingest poison?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Poison” can mean any of thousands of different chemicals that all work differently. You’ll have to be specific if you want an answer.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on the type of poison. Some target your vital organs so you die of various organ failures some interfere with your bloods ability to carry oxygen so you die of lack of oxygen. I’m sure there more but those two should cover a lot of them

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body is full of chemical reactions, all working together to keep you healthy.

Poisons interrupt these reactions, either by introducing a new ingredient to the equation of the chemical reaction, or by destroying part of one and stopping it entirely.

How poisonous a poison is depends on what equation has been interrupted and how much it can effect in a short time. This is a poison’s toxicity. How much damage is done also depends on how it was taken in, for example via mouth or vein.

There are many different poisons in the world, such as chemical poisons, radiological poisons… even water is poisonous at an extremely high dosage as it dilutes the blood of good ions and slows down their associated reactions (such as keeping nerve signals working) to dangerous levels.