What happens technically when we get exhausted ? is it the oxygen depletion ? or the build up of lactic acid ? why can’t we run/swim/climb forever ?


I was watching a documentary about high level athletes and it got me thinking about how extraordinary their feats are, can’t we tackle each symptom of exhaustion to make it so that the general public is more capable ? like an oxygen tank for the oxygen need, a cold water container for the thirst and heat and maybe an exoskeleton for an easier time, I’m asking why these notions are not feasible.

In: 55

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The honest truth is that we still don’t exactly know. It’s an interesting enough question to be the subject of the whole first chapter of *The Lore of Running* by Dr Timothy Noakes. Harvard even used to have a whole department, the Fatigue Lab, to study this phenomenon before it was decided that the funding would be better used if split up and awarded to various departments instead.
The current model, unless I mistake, is that the central nervous system generates feelings of fatigue as a safety mechanism to prevent bodily damage.

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