What happens technically when we get exhausted ? is it the oxygen depletion ? or the build up of lactic acid ? why can’t we run/swim/climb forever ?


I was watching a documentary about high level athletes and it got me thinking about how extraordinary their feats are, can’t we tackle each symptom of exhaustion to make it so that the general public is more capable ? like an oxygen tank for the oxygen need, a cold water container for the thirst and heat and maybe an exoskeleton for an easier time, I’m asking why these notions are not feasible.

In: 55

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are a lot of components at play when your body gets tired.

You’re correct that oxygen (and blood flow, which is closely related in this context) is an important piece. This is why improving your cardiovascular fitness makes your endurance better — your heart and lungs can work more efficiently. You can strap an oxygen tank on someone, but there aren’t really many non-invasive ways to make their heart work more efficiently. I guess certain stimulants might have that type of effect.

Muscles are also important. And there isn’t all that much you can do, externally, to prevent muscle fatigue. Muscles have to be worked regularly to be strengthened. I suppose the external option here would be tools like crutches, which prevent your muscles from having as much work.

Energy is also important. You certainly can use energy to your advantage, by eating and drinking before and sometimes during movement. A long distance hiker will surely make it further with lots of water and electrolytes and salty snacks than they would without 🙂

And of course, humans need sleep. That’s a requirement, not an option. So you can’t keep moving forever.

So in short — **you could keep moving until your body absolutely requires sleep.** And you could use tools like hydration, additional oxygen, energy-filled foods, and physical equipment like crutches or hiking poles to keep you going for as long as possible.

But you will, eventually, be too fatigued to continue without sleep. Even if you’re a pro athlete!

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