What happens to all the digital files out there and do we just keep making more storage?


I just uploaded a file on a ‘gig’ website for some help in cleaning up some audio from an interview that I did. The amount of data on those servers has to be overwhelming and that got me thinking… do we just keep making more storage? Where does all of that data go and do we just plan on storing that stuff indefinitely?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> do we just keep making more storage?

Yes. And disks keep getting bigger. Back when I started working with computers, my hard disk was 170MB. Then we got into the GB range (1000 MB). And then TB (1000 GB). These days you can buy a single drive that holds 16TB. You can buy a single computer that holds 60 drives, giving you the capacity of 960 TB in a single box.

You then stack those boxes on top of each other, [like this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7b/1f/62/7b1f629fa44ba9a7bed306cef52a7208.jpg). And then put a bunch of those in a room, [like this](https://cdn9.dissolve.com/p/D538_277_027/D538_277_027_1200.jpg)

> Where does all of that data go

Computers in datacenters, like in the picture above.

> and do we just plan on storing that stuff indefinitely?

Generally no, only as long as it’s profitable. If somebody offers to store your data for free, they must benefit from it somehow. For instance, by serving ads to people who view your files, or tracking your activity.

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