What happens to all the digital files out there and do we just keep making more storage?


I just uploaded a file on a ‘gig’ website for some help in cleaning up some audio from an interview that I did. The amount of data on those servers has to be overwhelming and that got me thinking… do we just keep making more storage? Where does all of that data go and do we just plan on storing that stuff indefinitely?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Storage happens on physical servers (in basic terms, think, hard drives and solid state drives). Over time, companies need more storage, so they expand how much they have by physically installing more devices or replacing old devices with new ones that have more storage capacity.

> Where does all of that data go and do we just plan on storing that stuff indefinitely?

Really depends on the service. A lot of file transfer services will automatically delete a file after a certain amount of time, at least if it’s “inactive” and hasn’t been used in a while.

If the service goes out of business then the data can just be lost altogether.

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