what happens to all the mass of a human body that doesn’t turn to ash after a cremation?


what happens to all the mass of a human body that doesn’t turn to ash after a cremation?

In: Chemistry

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They are put into the urn with the ash.
After the cremation, the only part that can remain are small parts of bones or stuff like that.

Since it’s pretty small, they put it in the urn

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most of your mass/volume is water, which just evaporates under the heat.

The remaining dry weight is a lot of fats and proteins that burn off into gas and a small mass of mineralized bone tissue that just crumbles.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A human body is mostly water, so what doesn’t turn to ash simply evaporates into water vapor.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a blender that makes sure all remains are pulverized. Things like knee replacement implants are removed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Burning is a chemical reaction that seperates once solid materials like fats and proteins, and releases some of these particles as smoke, gases, tiny particles, so the resulting ash is only the parts of the molecules that stay as solid bits when they burn.

And then water evaporates