What happens to an elastic material being stretched and unstretched over and over? Does it lose it’s elasticity or remain unaffected?


I know that a rubber band snaps if it’s pulled too far or if it gets pulled too fast. I know that some materials lose their elasticity if they’re kept in a stretched state for too long. But what happens to a material being stretched to a reasonable length and then unstretched periodically like the rubber band on a punch balloon? Does it lose it’s elasticity faster than a band that wasn’t being stretched or does it keep working normally?

In: Physics

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Young’s modulus or the modulus of elasticity defines three zones. The point at which each zone is reached differs per material, depending on its properties. In the first zone, stretching and unstretching is harmless. The stretched material always goes back to its original position (Hooke’s law). At some point, you stretch it too hard so that the molecular structure breaks a bit. So, it does unstretch, but not completely anymore. When you pull even harder, it will break

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