What happens to your body if you don’t exercise?


Like your organs, tissues etc. if you don’t workout for long periods of time at all.

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body wants to be as energy efficient as possible.

If you don’t exercise, your body has no reason to expend effort, resources and energy on maintaining bigger muscles and a highly capable cardiovascular system – so it doesn’t.

Your muscles will slowly atrophy down to the minimum needed to your activity level. Your cardiovascular system will lose peak performance capacity until it hits the level you require. Your daily calorific requirements will drop, meaning you’re likely to put on weight without an associated diet change. This fat can put stress on organs depending on how much and where.

Combining the muscle loss with degradation in ligaments and tendons – and whether any weight is gained – your body can begin to struggle to support you even doing almost nothing. You’ll start getting neck, back, hip and knee pain and disorders.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As we grow older our bodies metabolism slows down which means it takes longer to burn calories we eat in food. Our bodies end up storing them as fat.
A “sedentary” lifestyle is linked to diseases such as diabetes heart disease obesity.
The body needs things like sugar and salt and fat but if we have them in excess it ends up harming us. Sugar gets into the fine arteries of the eye and it rots them leading to blindness and limb amputation. Salt retains water and raises blood pressure. Fat low density lipoproteins collect inside the artery wall and restrict blood flow possibly causing heart attack and stroke.
Exercise, physical activity burns calories burst fat