what happens w delayed perceptions of pain?


When someone experiences a painful stimuli but doesn’t notice for several moments/seconds and then experiences the pain, why is there a delay in the pain signal reaching the brain or being interpreted by the brain?

An ex is I was shot in the lower shin w an arrow when I was five. It was a kids bow and arrow but the bolt still inserted into my shin. I took several step and believed the blunt tip bolt had missed. It was only when I stopped running and my friends were all starring at me that I looked down and my leg ignited w a fiery streak of pain.

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Your body releases a lot of hormones and other molecules when you’re in pain. This is designed to combat the feeling of pain and help you manage it. They can interfere with pain receptors and “change” how severe the pain feels.

When that pain is super severe, your body releases a lot of these hormones. This can result in you not feeling it for a bit. Your body evolved this mechanism to get you out of danger, because dealing with pain in a dangerous situation could get you killed.

Once you’re in a more normal state, your body will allow you to feel the full amount of pain so that you don’t try and walk on the leg.