What happens when you click “download?”


What happens when you click “download?”

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A request goes out to the server where the file is located, the server than (hopefully) acknowledges your requests and begins sending the file in multiple small packages that your computer than puts back together into the final file!

Anonymous 0 Comments

In my web app using Google cloud storage. I have to first request the download URL from the server. It is unique signed URL with set time of expiration and the desired file encoded in it. After it is generated it gets send back to the user where it just opens the URL in another window and that starts the download.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your browser will send a message to the server and introduces itself. Once everyone has been introduced and are sure who the other is the browser says “I want this specific file. Can you please send it to me?”

The server agrees and starts sending the file to your browser, chunk by chunk. Your browser is paying attention in the background, collecting the chunks as they arrive, making sure all the chunks got there intact, and assembles them.

Once all the chunks are there your browser will alert you to the fact that the file is ready to go.