What impact does stress have on the growing brain?


What impact does stress have on the growing brain?

In: Biology

17 Answers

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[Gabor Mate,](https://drgabormate.com/) a canadian physician, has suggested in several books that stress and trauma in younger children may lead to a poor emotional regulation and to problems later in life. Mate has notably [linked addictions to trauma in childhood](https://drgabormate.com/book/in-the-realm-of-hungry-ghosts/) (not every time, but it might be one of the factors).

In his book [When the Body Says No: Understanding the Stress-Disease Connection](https://drgabormate.com/book/when-the-body-says-no/), Mate builds a compelling argument linking stress to autoimmune diseases and certain forms of cancer.

If you want to read further, I highly recommend you check his books and podcasts. He’s a fascinating thinker and a very clear explainer.

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