What impact does stress have on the growing brain?


What impact does stress have on the growing brain?

In: Biology

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The first answer is pretty spot on. I did a research paper and I talked about healthy stress. There’s been studies that showed chronic stress causes heart issues, cancer, etc. Basically when growing up it’s good to have healthy stress such as a term paper being due, exam, interviews. However when someone has child hood trauma it triggers your body to be constantly stress. Your stress level will be stuck at a high level 24/7, now imagine that and then imagine when a healthy stress happens your stress level went from a “level 8” to a “level 10”. Compared to someone that grew up with a nice childhood their level went from a 0 to a 2. This is why some kids that grow up in an abusive home don’t do well on tests because their stress isn’t at a “gotta pass this test level” it went straight to a “I’m going to die” level.

I wrote this paper ten years ago so I hope I got it right lol it’s crazy how it physically alters your brain too!

Ps you can also imagine being chased by a bear you have the fight or flight response right? Now imagine that feeling 24/7 that’s how chronic stress affects people. So when something small happens it will have a big affect on them.

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