What in the reproductive process is so successful in causing 50% of each parents DNA to turn into a normal human?


What in the reproductive process is so successful in causing 50% of each parents DNA to turn into a normal human?

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6 Answers

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DNA’s information is compromised of 4 characters. ACTG. Normally A <-> T & C <-> G are linked. But lets make it simpler. Think of the information in DNA as

Mac + CheesePB + J

Now we know mac is always with Che and PB is always with J. So when the Mom bits of DNA show up, it is half the info along with half the dad bits of info. (Ova and sperm).

So the Mom bits can be PB + CHE + MAC + J + PB

And the Dad bits can be CHE + CHE + MAC + PB + PB

Every bit of the person has the same amount of information (excluding the X&Y portion that determines sex, but lets forget it for now). SO the mom and dad bits shuffle their information just a little bit. The new sequence can be PB + CHE + MAC + PB + PB , not a dramatic change, just little bits here and there. After the exchange of information, the sequence becomes the new person.

I it is important to remember that even if half the information is sent, the half you send can quickly make the other set.

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