What is a driver, from a computer standpoint? Ex: Why does a printer need a specific driver? Is there no standard?


Last night, I tried to set up an older printer to a new laptop, but I kept running into driver issues. I’ve always dealt with that, but never understood what it was and why it was necessary.

In: 13

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some drivers are standardized. There’s standard keyboard drivers, so you don’t have to install a new keyboard and mouse drivers, unless they have special functions.

Unfortunately they didn’t achieve that with printers. It’s harder then with keyboards, just because the number of possibilities is much larger. Yes, there’s ways it could be done, but no one ever standardized on one. There’s a lot of features that you can and can’t see that’s different on how a printer functions.

Examples of things is how you pass fonts to the printer, and how you pass around the shape of images to make them come out crisp. Then there’s features in the printer, such as reporting where the paper is jammed, which ink tank is low, or selecting the right paper tray if there’s multiple trays.

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