What is a Fourier Transform and why was it necessary to render the image of the total solar eclipse?



An explanation of the whole comment would be great. I tried to look up Fourier transform on Wikipedia but it was a lot of math.

In: Mathematics

9 Answers

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A fourier transform changes a signal from being in the time domain to being in the frequency domain. In other words, if you have a page of text, the fourier transform will provide you with the number of “the’s”, “a’s” and “becauses” instead of the whole text. Using this you can then get rid of the words you aren’t interested in like the “So’s”, leaving you with only the important information. In relation to the solar eclipse, a series of images is transformed and the best bits of each can be taken out and put together in one image.

Its basically an easy way to apply a filter to a signal.

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