What is a hanging Chad?


I first heard this term in How I Met Your Mother when Ted dressed up as a hanging Chad for Halloween. I tried to look it up & Google basically just said that it was a voting ballot that people used to punch holes out of. But I feel like I’m missing something.. in the show, they would make fun of Ted for wearing an outdated costume
& would tell him that “the hanging Chad reference
Is very old” & that most people wouldn’t understand it. Which signifies some sort of inside joke or understanding, but I don’t get it. please! Thank you!

In: 373

34 Answers

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A hanging chad refers to a hole that isn’t all the way punched, leaving the punched part of the paper hanging, like a flap.

Picture an open trap door.

Ballots for the 2000 election were recounted numerous times, and it was really controversial. There were also pregnant chads and dimpled chads.

Kind of like when you’re using a Scantron and you don’t fill in the bubble all the way, so the system might read an error.

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