What is a loaded question?


What is a loaded question?

In: 95

32 Answers

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Aside from your accomplice, is there anyone who can testify to your location that night?

This question assumes you have an accomplice and thus you commited a crime together.

If you said:

“No, I didn’t see anyone that night.” You’re essentially admitting to having an accomplice, and thus admitted your role in a crime.

“Yes, I met Bob for dinner at 7” You’re admitting to having an accomplice, maybe you had dinner at 7 but hooked up with your accomplice later or staged this alibi as part of your plan.

“She wasn’t my accomplice” so now you acted alone but you’ll be rebuked to answer the question about any other witnesses.

The premise of the question damns you either way because it’s more than a Yes/No option, loaded with connotations and innuendo.

“Can anyone testify to your location that night?

As opposed to

“Did anyone see you break into the museum with Ms. San Diego?”.

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