What is a mail-in rebate and how does it work?


I have always wondered why mail-in rebates existed and how they benefited the business in anyway. At surface they are generally a discount to the consumer with extra steps. What’s the deal?


3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically you mail in proof you bought said item and they send you a rebate of some sort. Looks good on paper but most people are too lazy or just forget about it. Much better for a company than initially discounting the item so that everyone automatically gets the deal

Anonymous 0 Comments

usually you have to snail mail in a part of the box or something in the box and fill put a bunch of info like your name and address.in return you get sent a prepaid credit card of the amount of the rebate.

usually it’s a pain in the ass and most people don’t don’t do it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s those extra steps that benefit the business. People buy the product, but then forget to mail in the rebate, or they wait too long and the rebate isn’t valid anymore. Or they get the rebate but never use it. The store is banking on a certain amount of people never using the rebate.