What is a “method” in C# programming?


I am currently going through “Become a C# Developer” on LinkedIn Learning and watching this course “Understanding C# syntax”, the instructor – Bruce Van Horn – went on to explain properties but he never explained what is a method? I mean, what is a method? What is it used for? How do I know where to look for method?

Is this simply just a word – like in real world – a method to do something? E.g. completing a task using method 1 or method 2?

TL;DR: what is a method? What is it used for? How do I know where to look for method?

Also, I have Googled this using keyword, but no real good explanations come out of it that I understand.

In: Engineering

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Methods are the verbs of your coding language – they make the software do something. Generally speaking, in object-oriented languages, the objects are your nouns, properties are adjectives and the methods are the verbs. When you are defining an object, you say what they can do with methods.

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