What is a ‘narrative’ when it comes to claims about reality?


I have been hearing the word narrative thrown around a lot in the news and in counter-news articles.

umm, reality isn’t a storybook – so what does this even mean?

Note: I did a quick search about narrative first and found only [one relevant eli5](https://redd.it/b8utov), but I don’t understand it… so if we’re actually talking about the same thing then I need an ELI5 on their ELI5

In: Culture

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Every story is told differently depending on who is telling it.

40-year-old American man living in Indonesia: “I felt trapped in the same routine, I realized I wasn’t really living my life. So I dropped everything, quit my job, got rid of my obligations, and took this overseas job. Now I get to see the world. I’m the man I always wanted to be.”

His ex-wife: “He hit his mid-life crisis, abandoned his wife and children, and left us with very little income and re-patriated to some island to dick around on a beach and fuck locals. He’s a deadbeat piece of shit.”

Both are accurate stories. They’re narratives of the same events, told with different perspectives and goals.

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