What is a p value and a null hypothesis in scientific research and how significant are they


I’m starting to get into science a lot more these days but I do not know what p values and null hypothesis are.

Appreciate the help. Thank you.

In: Other

6 Answers

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Let’s say you want to understand if the temperature of the day relates to how many times a day my dog farts.

My null hypothesis is: the days temperate does not effect how much my dog farts. Ie that any relation is just chance.

My aim (Alternative hypothesis) is to reject that statement, so I can prove that the temperature DOES effect my dog’s farts. I want 95% confidence to prove my aim. So I need 5% confidence (p value) I can reject my null hypothesis.

Say I run this test and record the data for a year. Plug in all the values, and get a result that says it’s a 50:50 that these are related. Sadly then, I cannot reject my null hypothesis, and cannot then prove that the temperature and my dogs farts are related.

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