what is a paradox? how do you explain it?


what is a paradox? how do you explain it?

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5 Answers

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I’m not a dictionary but my definition: A paradox is a statement that essentially seems logical, or is founded on good sense, but seems to result a nonsensical, impossible, or self-contradictory answer.

I would use “This sentence is false” as an example of a paradox.

Some paradoxes are “True”, like the above, in that they can’t possibly be explained or unraveled to a coherent answer.

Some paradoxes are “False” in that they can be explained down to a coherent answer. An example of a false paradox might be classical relativity which states that two people might make perfectly accurate and correct measurements of an objects speed and get different results. This would paradoxically imply that an object could be in two different places at once (which is impossible accordingly to classic physics). This paradox can be explained and solved using the logic and math of Relativity which shows that an object *can* have different speed measurements, but still be physically located in a single place.

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