What is a pull request (PR)?


This term’s been thrown around at work, where I work close to the tech team. I’ve tried asking but it seems like something that’s too complicated to explain simply.

In: Technology

8 Answers

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A lot of Software is Open Source. That means its free and you can do what you want with it. But to use it you need to download what’s called the Source Code. That’s a bunch of files you need to actually use the software.

A lot of Source Code is hosted on a website like Github which uses Git, a different kind of software that makes it so you can have multiple people working on the same project without accidentally writing over someone’s changes. You can make whatever changes you want locally on your own computer but if you want to *merge* the changes you made back into the main project you need to make a Pull Request where you outline what you changed, why and what the benefits are. Then whoever maintains the source code can look at it and decide if they want to accept the changes or not.

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